Lifestyle habits and academic success –

Lifestyle habits and academic success

Posted by Pénélope Venskus on

Lifestyle habits and academic success

What parents have never spent endless and painful evenings at the kitchen table studying with their children the day before an important evaluation? And of these, which ones do not want to see their young people experience success? What student does not experience pride when he arrives home in the evening with a good mention in a job? Academic success is a concern for both learners and their parents, and it is possible to achieve it in addition to promoting school perseverance. To do this, it is necessary to establish an effective routine which must include sleep, diet, physical activity as well as homework and study. In short, healthy lifestyle habits that can make all the difference.

The sleep

First, good sleep hygiene seems essential to the well-being of young children and growing adolescents. Indeed, it is when we sleep that growth hormone is released in the body . In addition, sleeping well allows students to have a greater ability to concentrate and listen in class, which greatly contributes to their academic success . A well-rested student will remain calmer and will therefore be less likely to throw tantrums or be in an irritated mood. As a result, he will therefore remain entirely focused on the tasks proposed by his teachers. We recommend, for children from 5 to 12 years old, 10 to 12 hours of rest each night (in addition to naps for the little ones). For their part, teenagers need 9 to 10 hours of sleep, otherwise they risk experiencing fatigue during school hours . As they face significant hormonal changes, high school students may experience a sleep disorder that causes them to fall asleep and wake up later . It is therefore important to provide your child with an environment conducive to sleep to optimize the chances of academic success.


As discussed above, a young body is a changing and developing body that requires rest, but also vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. Eating adequately has an impact on physical and psychological health, but also on success and school perseverance. This is why it is important to offer healthy, balanced and varied meals to your child to maximize the positive effects . When a student has had a good breakfast, he or she is more willing to receive lessons and acquire new knowledge . On the contrary, a young person who is hungry or thirsty in class is considerably less focused and the risk of failure can then be accentuated .

Physical activity

Children also need to channel the excess energy that lives in them by practicing a sport. Along with sleep and diet, physical activity plays an important role in concentration, which is, of course, essential for academic success . For dropouts, extracurricular sports can be a source of real motivation and can increase self-esteem. It goes without saying that a motivated and comfortable young person is also a successful young person. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the impact that diet and physical activity can have on your child when the latter is experiencing difficulties at school.

The evening routine

Finally, one of the most essential elements for academic success is the study of lessons and homework. Setting up a rigorous and structured evening routine is beneficial to students and the role of parents in it is also significant. Indeed, investing in the success of your child by being present at home promotes education and, therefore, encourages him to put in the effort . It is by reciting vocabulary words, practicing multiples tables, revising the material seen in class and keeping track of the agenda that parents become important allies for both teachers and their children. The evening routine is a habit to be established from primary school and it is to be maintained in secondary school since the benefits it provides will last even beyond the school setting. This habit also allows the student to take responsibility by seeing what their real strengths are and what are the difficulties that deserve to be reworked in class or in recovery. In addition, adding a moment of reading to the evening routine is recommended: reading is an important skill to develop both academically and in everyday life. It is therefore advantageous to devote quality time to this activity by reading a story, the lessons or a news article with your child, for example . In short, a good routine at the end of the day helps students become independent and is a parent's best tool for promoting their child's success.

In short, several factors influence a student's academic success. It is mainly healthy lifestyle habits that will impact his success at school. His physical and psychological needs must, of course, be met: a child who eats adequately and who gets a good night's sleep every night has a greater ability to concentrate and, as a result, excels better. Nor should we underestimate the benefits that sport and physical activity can bring to young people on their school results. More than anything, at home, parents must be involved by being as present as possible when their children are studying and doing their homework. All its elements are the key to success!

Author: Camille Nadeau, master's student in remedial education and tutor at Mon Tuteur


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CHU of Quebec, Laval University. (2017). Adolescent sleep. Quebec University Hospital.,-soins-et-services/m-inform-about-my-disease-or-my-condition/le-sommeil-chez-l%E2%80%99adolescent .aspx

CHU Sainte-Justine. (2021). Sleep hygiene for children from 2 to 12 years old . CHU Sainte-Justine.

Government of Quebec. (2022). For healthy lifestyles at school. Ministry of Education and Higher Education.

Myre-Bisaillon et al . (2006). Parental involvement, a key element for the academic success of children who experience difficulties at school . Sherbrooke University.,-soins-et-services/m-inform-about-my-disease-or-my-condition/le-sommeil-chez-l%E2%80%99adolescent .aspx

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