Organization and time management for students | –

organization of time

Students who want to improve their time management, their work methodology and their organization to do their homework better or to study better have access to the program.

Improved time management for students

Mon Tuteur offers a service to work on the efficient management of the student's time and organization. This service is offered by one of our specialized educators. In 2 or 3 meetings, depending on the need, the student is equipped to organize himself. The service is offered both for the youngest who need small strategies to do their homework and for high school students who sometimes have to deal with their studies, their hobbies, their social and family life as well as their work. We have a concrete plan to offer you and tools that are easy to integrate into your daily life.


Our advisors are here to help you!
Dial 514-638-6822

Services :

Our services are offered online, virtually . Interactive platforms are used to allow the tutor and to the student of _ ' interact live and work together the different materials . _ Our platforms allow the tutor to ' illustrate easily concepts and to demonstrate various notions and equations (interactive whiteboard).

These technological means offers equally optimal results than in-person tutoring. Our online tutoring also allows to be effective, students often being more motivated to accomplish a task on their electronic device than on a more traditional medium . VS ' is a way state -of- the-art that is flexible and environmentally friendly.

Image search results for "icheck" A computer or tablet with headphones and microphone are essential for the progress of the sessions.

Image search results for "icheck"  A high-speed connection is required.

Image search results for "icheck" The advantage of this service is that it is accessible wherever you are.