Learning difficulties or disabilities? – Mon-Tuteur.ca

Learning difficulties or disabilities?

Posted by Pénélope Venskus on

Learning difficulties or disabilities?

Taking care of a child's physical and mental development should be an important part of a parent's life. Good child care involves responding sensitively to their needs and providing consistent care. As we get older, education plays a vital role in the lives of children and accompanying them in their educational journey is also part of the parental responsibilities that we have. Therefore, parents spend a lot of time helping their children with their homework. However, for some, the task is more difficult for different reasons. This is why, offering the services of a TUTOR to accompany your child can make a significant difference in school but also in the relationship you have with him.

From an early age, parents and school professionals are able to identify children who need additional support. It is quite normal to see that children sometimes have difficulties in a particular subject, for example. Sometimes it is learning to read or write that is more complex. In some cases, the difficulties persist and lead to more worrying school results. Don't hesitate to ask school professionals for help. In addition, calling on an experienced TUTOR can help the student to do his homework, his school work, overcome his difficulties and offer him the means to organize himself better.

What are learning disabilities?

Learning disabilities are neurological and impact a person's ability to acquire knowledge and skills at the same rate as their peers. Having a learning disability does not make a person less intelligent, it just means that they learn in a different way which can make learning in the classroom harder. Personalized support and service is therefore essential to overcome the challenges. People with learning disabilities may have difficulty with the following: reading, writing, doing math, understanding directions, coordinating movement, or getting attention.

Types of learning disabilities:

Dyscalculia : affects the sphere of numeracy. Difficulty counting, uses fingers to count, reverses numbers when writing or reading. Difficulty doing mathematical operations, geometry. Visual-spatial orientation deficit

Autism spectrum disorder: difficulty in communication and during social interactions, deficits in non-verbal communication behaviors, difficulty in adapting behaviors to various social contexts. Restricted and repetitive nature;

Dyslexia : specific reading disorder. Difficulty recognizing words. The playback speed is therefore slower. The child may also have comprehension difficulties and sometimes forget letters or replace them with others.

Dysorthographia: a disorder that persists in the acquisition and mastery of spelling.

Attention deficit disorder (ADD) : a group of certain characteristics such as difficulty listening in class, following a conversation, doing homework, being often distracted, having difficulty organizing, are examples of symptoms .

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) : Features such as difficulty sitting still, performing tasks calmly, fidgeting with feet or hands constantly, or even having difficulty stopping talking. There is also a characteristic of impulsiveness. Starting tasks without having finished reading or listening to instructions, difficulty waiting for one's turn are examples of symptoms.

Dyspraxia : is a coordination disorder that affects fine motor skills. For example holding a pencil is a difficult task.

Thus, learning disabilities have a lifelong influence on how a person learns new things. Although the first signs of a learning disability can occur as early as two years of age, the disorders are usually not recognized until school age. Before this age, they are difficult to identify and sometimes misdiagnosed. Some children with a diagnosis may sometimes feel labeled and tend to marginalize themselves. In order to overcome marginalization, parents and teachers should create a welcoming environment for the child while offering him the necessary services to help him build on his strengths rather than relying on his weaknesses. Contact us today, we can certainly help you!

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