10 tips to help your teen improve their self-esteem – Mon-Tuteur.ca

10 tips to help your teen improve their self-esteem

Posted by Pénélope Venskus on

10 tips to help your teen improve their self-esteem

10 tips to help your teen improve their self-esteem

Adolescence is a transition phase that can sometimes be difficult. This period can not only be difficult for the teenager but also for his parents who must adjust and know how to react well to this period.

Many physical and hormonal changes mean that the teenager can quickly feel overwhelmed and even embarrassed by his upheavals . For some, these changes have a positive influence on self-esteem and self-confidence . However, some will see their self-confidence diminish and even be destroyed. As a parent , you play a crucial role in influencing your child's self-perception by helping him understand and accept these changes. This is how you, as a parent , set the standards for him to learn to accept, love and trust himself . To help your teenager through this period and the difficulties related to self-esteem, here are some tips you can follow:

· Stay alert

Many teens find themselves struggling with various eating disorders due to low self-esteem issues, and as a parent, it's your responsibility to be vigilant. A sudden weight loss and a lack of energy can be symptoms that should not be overlooked.

Congratulate them

It is very important to highlight successes no matter how big or small . If this reinforcement is used from an early age, the risk of developing problems related to low self-esteem decreases .

Be a role model

It's important that you be a positive role model in your teen's life . Know that your children are watching you and imitating you. Since you are your child's main role model , act as you would like your teenager to act.

Address the issue of beauty standards

It is important to address the question of the standards of beauty that the media broadcast. It is then essential to qualify , question and explain that these ideals are unrealistic and almost impossible to achieve.

Compliment them

It can be interesting to compliment your teenager on aspects other than their physical appearance. For example, congratulating him on his efforts at school or on a sport he plays can be great alternatives.


As a parent , it's important to remember that you should always leave a door open so your child feels comfortable talking to you. Encouraging your child to have a conversation with you and even initiating the conversations will build their confidence and have a positive impact on their self- esteem . It is important to put yourself in listening mode when your child speaks to us rather than fueling the conversation.

reassure them

This period of their life is already demanding for them, so it is important to encourage them to make their own decisions, as this will boost their self-esteem and confidence.


Focus on their strengths

Sometimes all you need to do as a parent is reinforce your teen 's goodness by using encouraging phrases such as that : "You can do it, I believe in you !"


· Delegate tasks around the house

Ask your teenager what are the tasks he would like to accomplish that will allow him quietly to assume its responsibilities . So, This will not only help him become a responsible adult , but will also boost his self-esteem and self-confidence.


· Love of self

It's important that your teen knows how important it is to love yourself no matter what. Let him know that mental and physical health are essential at this age . These are years key to instilling self-love.

As a parent, you need to understand that your child is going through a major transition period and that your love and support can help build their self-esteem during this time. These years are decisive and they will have an impact on the adult he will become.

The nuances that you bring in relation to beauty standards, positive reinforcement, and the role model that you will be will have a major impact on the building of the self-confidence that your teenager and the future adult that he will become.



Mogonea , F., and Mogonea , F. (2014). The role of the family in building adolescent self-esteem. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 127, 189-193. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.03.238

Zakeria , H., and Karimpourb , M. (2011). Parenting styles and self-esteem. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 29, 758 - 761. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780203768013-18

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